Photo mayhem Launches 1st October 2011
Ian horncastle welcomes viewers to photomayhem
19th October
I hope to bring a new and exciting site to my viewers! Over the past 3 years, I have changed my style of focus towards design and artistic imagination within my images. I hope you as a viewer can see this.
I also as some of you know work with a number of charities, supporting the prevention against depression in our communities.
Organizations I commenced working with in 2009 was lifeline Australia a 24 hour counseling service aimed to support people in need to talk. I have a current endorsement to raise money for Lifeline and hope to continue this through my photography projects.
Some projects I have worked on to raise funds for Lifeline are as follows:
Men In Uniform 2009 - Men in Uniform photography concept based on Law enforcement
Fast & Furious 2010 - A collection of Fast cars and high end fashion.
Whilst these projects are on-going, my aim is to start working with Beyond Blue in creating a calendar and photo projects to raise funds for the Youth program of depression and suicide prevention.
Take a look around and view some of my charity projects, feel free in asking questions via email on my passion with charities and photography.
----------- Until next time, stay safe! -------------Ian
19th October, 2011
This month completes a film documentary on “Up close and personal with Ian Horncastle”
An insight of why im so different in my work, what excites me about photography and the concepts I create.
I also talk about why I'm so passionate about raising funds through my photography to help prevent depression within the community.
Check out the film in the Website Tab About Ian Horncastle.
20th November, 2011
Another month of creating new Men In Uniform Action Series -
Photoshoot in the national park Mosman, is a great location for what ian enjoys ACTION shots. Using army bunkers n the edge of cliffs in he national park is just part of the fun the models encounter when working with Ian.
Model Zoren worked very hard on the day providing some great looks which will appeal to the followers of Ians work Men In Uniform Collection.
Check some of this work out -------------------------->
-------------------- enjoy! until next time – be safe - Ian----------------------------
10th December, 2011
Well its nearly Xmas already! this year has flown!
No time to stop thinking and creating new photography projects and ideas for my viewers.
Just completed casting for my 2013 Male Calendar being shot in Western Australia in feb 2012. Thanks to major sponsor
The calendar will be shot in a hotel with 12 of the best Male models Australia has seen in a while. Room Service is the name of this exciting fulfilled Male Action.
--------------------- enjoy! until next time – be safe - Ian----------------------------
January 13th 2012
Wow XMAS & new years is over! Hope all had a wonderful break.
Its now back to business and for me some exciting new Photography this year 2012
- January; I venture to Melbourne to photograph two models I have wanted to shoot for a long time. Stay tuned
- February ; is a action shoot with three models in my favorite location north shore barracks – Over looking Sydney harbor
- March ; Heading to Western Australia to photograph a 2013 Aussie Calendar – Supporting Lifeline Australia raising funds to support the prevention of Depression & Suicide . Exciting next few months ahead – Stay tuned
Remember all!
All suicide deaths are tragic, most of these deaths can be prevented. Support Lifeline or your nearest support services that support our community